The sound proofed control room is 16ft x 11ft with acoustics designed by consultants Jim Cousins (BBC Proms/Royal Albert Hall acoustical consultancy, Zen Broadcast mobile facility plus fixed studio/dubbing suites – The Voice UK, Quincy Jones etc.), Nick Whitaker (Coldplay, Abbey Road, David Gray, Cenzo Townsend, Mark "Spike" Stent), and Skyline Audio (Ed Sheeran, SXPro London Studios).
With options of mixing in the box or hybrid using outboard, we've got you covered.
Our dedicated live room is 11ft by 9ft that ties into the main control room, with acoustic design by Jim Cousins and GIK acoustics. It's perfect for recording drums, re-amping guitars, cutting vocals (if the singer prefers a bit more privacy!) and anything else that could benefit from a little more liveliness. The cool thing about this room is that opening the door allows sounds out into a narrow corridor that acts a little like a reverb chamber so we're able to capture some extra ambience if we want to.
Anthemic Sound is unique because it's also my home. We have great equipment just like any other studio, but we also have a place that's not sterile but built to be relaxing, inspiring and creative allowing you to work surrounded by the comforts of home. We also have portable acoustic gobos and location rigs so we can record wherever the mood takes us - we aren't confined. Here you can experience major label treatment at a fraction of the price. This is your home from home, and the perfect place to unlock your creativity.